Jaga Kingdom

Jaga is a small kingdom located in the southern seas. The kingdom is known for its beautiful beaches, lush jungles and vibrant coral reefs. It is home to many different species of wildlife, including dolphins, whales and sea turtles. Jaga has long been a popular tourist destination due to its picturesque landscape and unique cultural attractions.The people of Jaga are proud descendants of the ancient lalafells and other races who first settled on these islands centuries ago. They have developed their own distinct culture over time which includes traditional music, art forms such as weaving and pottery making as well as distinctive cuisine that blends local ingredients with spices from around the world. The locals are known for their hospitality towards visitors from other countries, welcoming them into their homes with open arms.The economy in Jaga relies heavily on tourism but also benefits greatly from fishing, agriculture, aquaculture projects, and eco-tourism initiatives. This combination makes it an ideal place for anyone looking to experience something truly unique while also supporting sustainable development efforts within this fragile ecosystem. Local businesses offer plenty of opportunities for travelers interested in learning more about this special corner or paradise while contributing positively to its future growth through responsible consumption practices.But behind all that, Jaga kingdom is located near Meracydia, where the exact location had a void portal that sends numerous voidsents from the Allagan's conquest of the continent. Although the portal has gone for numerous eras, the remnants of Allag's horrible deeds still roam around the southeast outside of Jaga's territory. That's why the kingdom has a special militant public safety organization to cull the number of voidsents that enters and resides in the areas.Where the truest origin is Nym refugees seeking sanctuary from the Sixth Umbral Era calamity. The leader of this refugee group is known as a particular Nym scholar from the survivors named "Majaga Wajaga" with vast knowledge of voidsents, yet his expertise can't help to find a cure for the disease that brings ruin to his homeland due to how fast it spreads. Desperate, he brings everyone that's still not affected by tonberry disease to a sailship during the beginning of the flood. They sailed across the sea, hoping they can find a place that can be their new home. Thanks to the twelve, they finally landed on the shore of an empty island in southern seas.

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